Hebrews 13:5
A Christian financial advisor helps investors manage their money and reach their financial goals based on biblical principles.
What makes a Christian Financial Advisor different?
Christian Financial Advisors typical work with investors who:

Have a strong faith in God

Need help passing on their assets to the next generation

Enjoy pursuing personal interests and spending time with family and friends

Have no desire to manage their investment savings themselves

Want more time to spend doing the things they truly enjoy doing
Proverbs 13:11
everyone has their own retirement age. you don't have to prepare for yours alone.
The Christian perspective on financial planning is that we use the growth of money for God's glory and not our own. Christian Financial Advisors help you answer questions such as:

How can I provide for my family and my community?

How can I invest in a way that aligns with the Word of God?

Where can I give to make the biggest impact in God's Kingdom?

What happens to my money if I pass away?