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Writer's pictureA.B. Ridgeway

How to be rich and righteous by finding your identity in Christ

Updated: Jun 14, 2024

(#65) How to be rich and righteous by finding your identity in Christ and how by building your wealth, you can expand the Kingdom of God featuring the hosts of The Stewardology Podcast

You are here because you want to know how to align your financial choices with the Word of God. But you have questions that no one seems to be able to give you a good answer for like:

  • “How can you be rich and righteous, doesn’t the bible say that money is evil?”

  • “Isn’t seeking wealth sinful?”

  • "Didn’t Jesus say it is easier for a camel to walk through the eye of the needle than to get into heaven?”

We hear you and we had some of those same questions on our financial journey. But today, we are going to tackle those questions head-on for you. But I needed a little help. So I brought on some special guests the hosts of The Stewardology Podcast because Jesus says in the book of Matthews, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” About our Guests: Andrew (Drew) Gysi, M.S.B. is the Ministry Director for the Life Institute which includes Church relations, connecting with Pastors, overseeing our various nationwide seminars, and managing all church and ministry planning. and Tim Russell, CFP®, CKA® is the President of The Life Financial Group (LFG), he oversees the day-to-day operations as well as its two daughter companies, Beacon Tax Services, and Life Institute. As a Wealth Manager, Tim works directly with families by helping them understand where they are, where they want to go, and the obstacles in their path. Then, Tim works with his clients to craft a plan to overcome their obstacles and achieve their goals.


retired couple reviewing their investments


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As Christians, we were taught to be good stewards over our tithing and giving to the less fortunate. But when it came to our personal finances and investing we were left clueless on what the Bible says. What does the Bible say about managing debt, leaving a legacy, investing, and planning for your retirement? Mr. Christian Finance answers these and many other questions because we want to teach you how to become rich and righteous!

Meet A.B. Ridgeway:

A.B. Ridgeway with his hands up

A.B. Ridgeway, MBA, CPWA®️ ( is the owner and Christian Financial Advisor with A.B. Ridgeway Wealth Management. With a decade in the finance industry, his goal is to give believers clarity around the most confusing topic in the Bible, money, and tithing. A.B. Ridgeway helps tithing Christians become cheerful givers but unlocking their money-making potential, so they can prosper and be the great stewards of the wealth God has entrusted them with.

*Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.

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