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Christian Financial Blog

A.B. Ridgeway
3 min read
"Debunking Dave Ramsey: Is His Debt Management Strategy Really Wrong?" Christian Financial Advisor Reacts
Dave Ramsey has a lot of good information but from a financial perspective, this thought process is flawed.

A.B. Ridgeway
6 min read
Finances stressing you out? Here are the 3 major causes and how to overcome them
These times are crazy and uncertain, and I’m sure that your stress levels are super high. But allow me to give you some relief

A.B. Ridgeway
5 min read
Good Debt Vs. Bad Debt: Is Love a Debt?
Good Debt vs. Bad Debt: In today's post we discuss what the apostle Paul says about Love and why it is the best type of debt to have!

A.B. Ridgeway
3 min read
What Did Jesus Teach About Money?
Can you do the right thing even when it is wrong? In this scripture, Jesus gives a solid, yes!
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