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Christian Financial Blog

A.B. Ridgeway
6 min read
Dan Celia Passes Away | CEO and President of Financial Issues
It saddens us to report that Dan Celia passed away. We remember his legacy and what we should focus on going forward

A.B. Ridgeway
3 min read
What's Important To Focus on When Managing Your Investments In Volatile Markets
When the markets are volatile, what should you be focusing on? We talk history and how to view your investments

A.B. Ridgeway
6 min read
Christian Retirement Mistakes to Avoid: Do This Instead
Saving is hard. And saving for a day you may not live to see, is harder. , living during an emergency with no money, is the hardest thing.

A.B. Ridgeway
5 min read
Good Debt Vs. Bad Debt: Is Love a Debt?
Good Debt vs. Bad Debt: In today's post we discuss what the apostle Paul says about Love and why it is the best type of debt to have!

A.B. Ridgeway
3 min read
Arguing with loved ones is going against your faith
Do you feel weak in your faith? Does it make you feel uncomfortable having conversations about it, because maybe you are not as strong in it

A.B. Ridgeway
3 min read
The Temptations of the flesh can crush your spirit!
Who is going to win this battle in your life? The flesh or the spirit?

A.B. Ridgeway
3 min read
Prayer is the Key To Eternal Life and Strong Christian Finances
A lot of us may think that God controls our thoughts and actions. He is all-powerful and he can if he chooses.
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