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The Prosperity Gospel is Selfish and Not Biblical

In this episode, we delve into the nuanced differences between the prosperity gospel and the concept of stewardship within Christianity. The speaker aims to clarify misconceptions and provide insights into how Christians can lead a life aligned with biblical principles of stewardship.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Biblical Stewardship: Stewardship, as defined by the Idol Wild Foundation, acknowledges that God owns everything, and humans are mere stewards entrusted with managing His resources. It's a commitment to dedicating all aspects of life to God's service, recognizing that everything belongs to Him ultimately.

  2. Examining the Prosperity Gospel: The prosperity gospel, associated with charismatic Christianity, often promises believers material wealth and health through positive confessions and devotion. However, it blurs the line between God's abundance and the human desire for accumulation, potentially leading to a skewed understanding of faith and wealth.

  3. Differentiating Intentions: The fundamental difference between stewardship and the prosperity gospel lies in intentionality. Stewardship focuses on managing resources in alignment with God's will, using wealth not for personal gain but for the betterment of others and the advancement of God's kingdom.

  4. Navigating Wealth and Faith: While biblical scriptures acknowledge God's provision and the potential for prosperity, they also caution against the love of money and emphasize the importance of generosity and contentment. Christians are encouraged to discern their intentions behind financial pursuits and prioritize the principles of stewardship over personal wealth accumulation.

  5. Embracing True Prosperity: True prosperity, as understood through stewardship, transcends material abundance and encompasses spiritual fulfillment and obedience to God's purpose. It involves responsibly managing resources, investing in eternal treasures, and leaving a legacy of generosity and faithfulness.


  1. "The accumulation of wealth is not for self-satisfaction; it's for others in the kingdom of God."

  2. "Money's not good, and money's not bad; it's the coveting of money that makes it a sin."

  3. "We are all just renting this stuff. We're only delegates of God's blessing, and we're all going to lose it."


In conclusion, understanding the distinction between stewardship and the prosperity gospel is vital for Christians seeking to align their financial practices with their faith. By prioritizing intentions rooted in stewardship principles, believers can navigate wealth responsibly, honoring God with their resources and contributing to the flourishing of His kingdom.


Heavenly Father, we come before you with hearts open to your guidance on stewardship and prosperity. Teach us to be faithful stewards of the blessings you've entrusted to us, recognizing that all we have belongs to you. Help us discern our intentions and align them with your will, using our resources to glorify your name and serve others with love and generosity. Grant us wisdom to navigate the complexities of wealth and faith, always seeking true prosperity found in obedience to your word. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About Financial Advisors Say The Darndest Things Podcast:

As Christians, we were taught to be good stewards over our tithing and giving to the less fortunate. But when it came to our personal finances and investing we were left clueless on what the Bible says. What does the Bible say about managing debt, leaving a legacy, investing, and planning for your retirement? Mr. Christian Finance answers these and many other questions because we want to teach you how to become rich and righteous!

Meet A.B. Ridgeway:

A.B. Ridgeway with his hands up

A.B. Ridgeway, MBA ( is the owner and Christian Financial Advisor with A.B. Ridgeway Wealth Management. With a decade in the finance industry, his goal is to give believers clarity around the most confusing topic in the Bible, money, and tithing. A.B. Ridgeway helps tithing Christians become cheerful givers but unlocking their money-making potential, so they can prosper and be the great stewards of the wealth God has entrusted them with.

*Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.

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