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As Christians, our churches taught us how to tithe and give to the less fortunate. But when it came to our personal finances such as: how to manage debt, how to invest, and how to plan for retirement, we still need guidance. In this resource, we are going to give you 4 Biblical Principles about money that will prepare you, and your family for the financial independence God wants you to have.


It is okay if you feel helpless when it comes to making financial decisions about your retirement. You have been working in your industry for 15+ years, you have a six-figure income, your kids are grown up and having children of their own, and now retirement is approaching and you don't know what to do.


As you listen to T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, and maybe catch a little finance news trying to gain a little perspective on finances, it just doesn't seem like it is enough. At this point in your life, you just want to protect everything you worked hard for. You are college educated and one of the top performers at work, but when it comes to investments, you know you need help. As a faithful servant of God, you attend church, pray for guidance, read your Bible, and just want to make sure that your financial decisions align with the Word of God.


The following principles will help you do just that, align your financial vision with biblical principles so you can make those decisions that will make God proud with confidence and conviction.

4 Biblical Principles Every Christian Should Know About Investing E-Book

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